
Add a new Shift Duty

Make sure you have completed following session(s)

l   What is a Shift?

l   Shift Duty Setup

l   Holiday Type Setup

l   OT Type Setup



1          Enter Shift Duty Setup screen.


2          Click the [New] button to add a new Shift.



3          Enter a Description for this Shift. This description should be short, clear, and meaningful such as ¡§9-6¡¨,¡¨9-17¡¨,¡¨A¡¨, ¡§OFF¡¨, ¡§Normal¡¨. This description will be displayed in the roster setup screen and related reports.



4          Enter an Input Code for Shift assignment in duty roster. This code should be unique in the same roster group (i.e. a roster group normally refer to a branch, team, or Department). Max. 3 digit alpha-numeric is allowed. The code must not be started with a number. Special characters are not allowed too. Normally the code should be upper case and as short as possible in order to input quickly. Some valid examples such as ¡§A¡¨,¡¨B¡¨, ¡§A1¡¨,¡¨A12¡¨,¡¨OFF¡¨. Invalid examples such as ¡§ABCD¡¨,¡¨1A¡¨,¡¨@¡¨,¡¨A*¡¨,¡¨A 1¡¨



5          Select a suitable Time range that cover the Shift hours. This setting is available for the customers who have bought ¡§TA Advance¡¨ module. Staffs must be clock-IN/OUT within this time range. This time range is always 24 hours but you can adjust the start time while the end time will be calculated automatically. Actually, we can treat the start time as a cut-off time of the day. The default value is 00:00 that means the day starts from 00:00 to 23:59. Generally, you don¡¦t need to adjust this time range unless you are setting an overnight shift (e.g. 5PM-1AM) that across the mid-night and ends at the next day. The suggested value of the start time is, say, 4 hours before the start time of work duty because you have to reserve some time for the staffs to come earlier clock-IN. Normally 4 hours buffer should be enough. Below are some examples for reference :

Example - Required working hour

Suggested Time Range

9AM ¡V 6PM

00:00 ¡V 23:59 (default)

9AM ¡V 6PM

05:00 ¡V 04:59 (next day)

9AM-13PM , 14PM-18PM

00:00 ¡V 23:59 (default)

5PM ¡V 1 AM

13:00 ¡V 12:59 (next day)

2PM ¡V 11PM

10:00 ¡V 09:59 (next day)



6          Select the options of ¡§Under Special Situation¡¨. To understand what is ¡§Special Situation¡¨ please see the page ¡§What is Special Situation¡¨

6.1         There are 2 options

Option name



Auto adjust duty IN/OUT time

If this option is enabled, when there is a ¡§Special Situation¡¨ (e.g. Typhoon) happened on the day which assigned this Shift, the duty In/Out time will be adjusted automatically so that admin user do not need to adjust the attendance result for all employees after Special Situation every time.  


Normally, this option is mainly for office staffs who do not need to work under special situation.


Limitation :

At this moment, auto adjustment is applicable to the basic shift pattern only, special shift such as ¡§Flexible Duty¡¨, ¡§Break¡¨, ¡§Fix hour Duty¡¨, ¡§Multi-Fix hour Duty¡¨ are not supported yet.

Assume a Special Situation is now happened at noon:

Type : Typhoon No. 8

Time period : 5pm ¡V 11pm

Late-In allowance : 2 hours

Early-Out allowance : 2 hours


Original Shift settings :

Duty hours : 9am ¡V 6pm


Staff clock In/Out time :

Clock IN : 8:45am

Clock OUT : 3:30pm


After analysis, the Shift will be adjusted automatically :

Duty hours : 9am ¡V 3pm (i.e. 2 hours before 5pm)


The attendance result :

Late-In : 0 mins

Early-Out : 0 mins

Actual working hours : 6 hours 45 mins

Counted working hours : 6 hours

Capture working minutes

If this option is enabled, when there is a ¡§Special Situation¡¨ (e.g. Typhoon) happened on the day which assigned this Shift, the working hours (actually minutes) within the Special Situation time period will be counted for allowance calculation.


The working minutes under Special Situation will be saved in the allowance type defined in ¡§Item Setup > Special Situation Type¡¨.


User can setup a payroll item (e.g. Typhoon allowance) to calculate the allowance amount by using the 2142 payroll formula item (i.e. ¡§Attendance Allowance¡¨).


Normally, this option is mainly for operation staffs who need to work under special situation, the industry such as F&B, Security, Transportation, Public service, Emergency service,¡K etc.

Assume a Special Situation is now happened at noon:

Type : Typhoon No. 8

Time period : 5pm ¡V 11pm

Late-In allowance : 2 hours

Early-Out allowance : 2 hours


Original Shift settings :

Duty hours : 9am ¡V 6pm


Staff clock In/Out time :

Clock IN : 8:45am

Clock OUT : 6:30pm


After analysis, the attendance result calculated as below:

Late-In : 0 mins

Early-Out : 0 mins

Actual working hours : 9 hours 45 mins

Counted working hours : 9 hours

Attendance allowance : 1.5 hours (i.e. from 5pm to 6:30pm )






Above 2 options cannot be enabled at the same time.



7          Click the button to add session. To understand what are these session means, please see the page ¡§What is a Shift?¡¨


8          Enter the options for the selected session type. Different session type has different options to be set.


8.1         Work Duty





Session time period

The start time and the end time of the required work duty session. Normally, it should not be whole day working, so the ¡§Whole day¡¨ option should be un-checked.


Optional. The name of the session. This name will be shown in attendance remark for clear explanation.

Require punch IN, Require punch OUT, Enable absence

This option defines whether clock-IN/OUT is required for this work duty session. If these options are checked, and the staffs didn¡¦t punch card within the allowed period, the attendance will result ¡¥Forget Punch Card¡¦ or ¡¥Absent¡¦ if both clock IN and OUT are missing.


For some group of staffs who need to work outside office and will not back to office to clock-OUT, you may un-checked the option ¡§Required punch OUT¡¨, so that the attendance will not showing ¡§Forget Punch Card¡¨ even no clock-OUT record found.


Auto calculate valid punch range,

Manual enter valid punch range,

Before IN, After IN, Before OUT, After OUT,

Nth punch in range

This option telling the system to capture which punch records for attendance analysis.


Normally, ¡§Auto calculate¡¨ should be set. The system will analyse attendance based on the most suitable punch records by following some logics such as ¡§First-IN-Last-OUT¡¨.


Choose ¡§Manual calculate¡¨ if you want to limit the allowed time period for the staffs to clock-IN/OUT. Specify the allowed punch card period by enter values in Before IN, After IN, Before OUT, After OUT. All punch records which fall outside the allowed period will not be count. "Nth punch in range" means which punch record within the range will be picked as the clock IN/OUT record for calculation. By default, "First punch" for IN while "Last punch" for OUT.


Enable late, Allowance minute,

Enable Round Up, Round up to N minute


This option enables the late checking during analysis. If the staff clock-IN later than the start time of work duty defined in ¡§Time Range¡¨, the attendance will result ¡§Late¡¨.


Allowance minute can be set to provide certain ¡§grace period¡¨ for late. For example, if the work duty is start at 9AM with 5 minute late allowance, the attendance status become ¡§Late¡¨ if clock-IN later than 9:05AM.


Enable the round up option if you want to round up the ¡§Late¡¨ minute during analysis. For example, if N set to be 15, the late minute, say 5 minute, will be round up to 15 minute late.


Enable early leave, Allowance minute

Enable Round Up, Round up to N minute

Similar to ¡§Late¡¨


This option enables the early-out checking during analysis. If the staff clock-OUT early than the end time of work duty defined in ¡§Time Range¡¨, the attendance will result ¡§Early Leave¡¨.


Allowance minute can be set to provide certain ¡§grace period¡¨ for early out. For example, if the work duty is end at 6PM with 5 minute early allowance, the attendance status become ¡§Early Leave¡¨ if clock-OUT earlier than 5:55 PM.


Enable the round up option if you want to round up the ¡§Early Leave¡¨ minute during analysis. For example, if N set to be 15, the early leave minute, say 5 minute, will be round up to 15 minute early leave.


Enable round-off (IN)

Round the final punch IN time to N minutes.

Enable round-off (OUT)

Round the final punch OUT time to N minutes.

Round off to N minute, Round up after K minute:

Used with the option ¡§Enable round-off (IN)¡¨ and ¡§Enable round-off (OUT)¡¨. For example, if N = 30 and K=15, the final punch time, say 8:50AM, will be round up to 9:00AM. If the original time is 8:40AM, the final punch time will be round down to 8:30AM. The rounding is based on checking the punch time against the defined K minutes.

Extra Work Minute

Enter the extra work minute only if you want to add additional work minute on top of the actual counted working minute during analysis.


Specify punch card location

Enable this option only when you want the system to capture ONLY the punch card records come from the specified location for attendance analysis. Normally, for higher flexibility to capture punch card records from ALL locations, this option should not be set.

Specify duty type

To tell the system what type of duty is associated with this Shift. Normally this option should be disabled unless there are some job costing process.




8.2         Fix Hour Work Duty




Session time period (Cut off time )

The start time and the end time of preapproved working period. The staff can be flexibly working within this time period without fixed start / end time, provided that he/she must work not less than the required wording hours. The working hour will be counted base on the staff clock-IN and clock-OUT time within this time period.


For example, the cut off time set to be 08:00 ¡V 23:00, staff clock-IN, say 7:30. The working hour will be counted from 08:00 instead of 7:30.



Optional. The name of the session.

Enable late, Enable early leave

This option enables the late checking during analysis. If the staff work less than the required working hour, the attendance will result ¡§Late¡¨ or ¡§Early Leave¡¨


Working Hour

This option telling the system the required working hour in this shift. The required working hour should be equal to how many hour that staff have to work plus how many lunch / break hour that staff have.


For example, if the staff is required to work 8 hour with 1 hour lunch a day, the setting of the required working hour should set to be 9.





8.3         Multi-Fix Hour Work Duty




Session time period (Cut off time )

The start time and the end time of allowed working period. Staff can have more than 1 working sessions in this period. Any clock-IN and clock-OUT time exceed this period will NOT be counted. Therefore, when setting this cut-off time, you should consider the earliest clock-IN and the latest clock-OUT time of the staff.


For example, if the cut-off time period is 08:00-23:00, and the staff was clock-IN and OUT at 7:30 and 12:00 respectively. As the first clock card (i.e. 7:30) is earlier than 8:00 that out of the valid time period, this record will be treated as invalid punch card and will NOT be counted. Moreover, the system will wrongly count the 2nd clock card (i.e. 12:00) as clock-IN.



Optional. The name of the session.

Working Hour

This option telling the system the required working hour in this shift. As there may be more than 1 pair of clock IN/OUT time, total working hours of each paid clock IN/OUT will be counted. No lunch hours should be included in this required working hours.


For example, if the staff is required to work totally 8 hours with 1 hour lunch break, you should enter 8 hours here.


Extra Work Minute

Enable this option only if you want to add extra work minute on top of the actual counted working minute during analysis.


Max. time interval between sessions

This option telling the system that the minimum time interval between two working sessions.


Normally, the time interval will be set > 0, say 5 minute. In order to prevent calculation error if the start clock-IN / OUT frequently within a short period of time


Working hour counted by punch sequence or IN/OUT button

This option telling the system how to identify ¡§IN¡¨ or ¡§OUT¡¨ of each punch record within the allowed working period.


Normally, ¡§By punch sequence¡¨ should be set. All Odd punch records will be treated as ¡§Clock-IN¡¨ while all Even punch records will be treated as ¡§Clock-OUT¡¨

(i.e. IN,OUT,IN,OUT,IN,OUT,¡K.). For example, if there are 5 punch records were found in the period, say 9:30, 11:20, 14:40, 18:50, 19:00, the system will analyse as below :


Clock OUT




1st work period



2nd work period



Invalid work period



Choose ¡§by IN/OUT button¡¨ only if you want the system to identify ¡§IN¡¨ and ¡§OUT¡¨ by checking the IN/OUT function key on the time clock device. (Note : This function is supported by particular models only)


Enable Overtime, Start count O.T. after N minute, O.T. Type, Extra O.T. minutes, O.T. point unit for every N minute, Enable round-off to N minute

Enable this option if you want the system to calculate Overtime after the required working hour.


The O.T. can be start counting after N minute of the required working hour. For example, required working hour = 8, start count O.T. after 30 minute. That means the system will count O.T. after the staff has worked for over 8.5 hours.


Also, you may define the specific type of O.T.


Enter the extra O.T. minute if you want to add extra O.T. minute on top of the actual counted O.T. minute.


Define the unit of O.T. point if you want the system to calculate O.T. point in every N minute.


Enable the round-off option if you want to round-off the O.T. minute during analysis. For example, if N was set to be 30, and the O.T. minute was 35 minute, it will be round-off to 30 minute O.T.


Specify punch card location

Enable this option only when you want the system to capture ONLY the punch card records come from the specified location for attendance analysis. Normally, for higher flexibility to capture punch card records from ALL locations, this option should not be set.


Specify duty type

To tell the system what type of duty is associated with this Shift. Normally this option should be disabled unless there are some job costing process.




8.4         Holiday




Session time period (Cut off time )

The start time and the end time of the session. Normally, it should be whole day holiday, so the ¡§Whole day¡¨ option should be checked.


Optional. The name of the session.

Holiday Type

Select the specific type of the holiday. By system default, there are ¡§Public¡¨ and ¡§Statutory¡¨ for selection.




8.5         Flexible Duty




Flexible IN range

The start time and the end time of the period that will trigger ¡§Flexible Duty¡¨ calculation. If a staff clock-IN within this period, the ¡§Flexible duty¡¨ calculation will be triggered that the staff can off duty earlier in the same day. The calculation is based on 1:1 ratio that means if the staff come N minutes earlier, he/she can leave N minutes earlier.


Please note that the ¡§flexible duty calculation¡¨ will NOT be triggered if the clock-IN time is out of the defined period even it is earlier. For example, the ¡§Flexible IN range¡¨ was set to 08:00-09:00, and staff was clock-IN at 7:30, no flexible duty was allowed.


Apply to which duty session(s)

Select the corresponding session to be applied.


For single shift, both (IN) and (OUT) should be referred to the same duty session.


For split shift, normally, you should select the first duty session for (IN), and the last duty session for (OUT).





8.6         Over time




Session time period (Cut off time )

The start/end time of the pre-approved overtime period. Normally, it should not be whole day working, so the ¡§Whole day¡¨ option should be un-checked.


Optional. The name of the session.

O.T. Type

Define the specific type of overtime.


Extra OT min.

Enter the extra O.T. minute if you want to add extra O.T. minute on top of the actual counted O.T. minute.


Enable round-off, Round off to N minutes, Round up after N minutes

Enable the round-off option if you want to round-off the O.T. minute during analysis.


For example, if N = 30 and K=15, the actual OT minute, say 35 minutes, will be round off to 30 minutes. If the original time is 16 minutes, will be round off to 15 minutes. The rounding is based on checking the punch time against the defined K minutes.


OT point unit for every N minutes

Define how many OT minutes gains 1 OT point. OT point is another way to calculate OT pay instead of minutes.



8.7         Break




Session time period (Cut off time )

The start/end time of the pre-approved meal break period. Normally, it should not be whole day meal break, so the ¡§Whole day¡¨ option should be un-checked.


Optional. The name of the session. This name will be shown in attendance remark for more clear.

For example, if this Break session is actually a lunch break period, you can input ¡§Lunch¡¨ as the name. Then, the attendance remark will show ¡§Lunch-In¡¨/ ¡§Lunch-Out¡¨ for clearer explanation.

Enable Time Limit

Normally this option should be ¡§enabled¡¨ if you want to define a flexible meal break. Enter how long (i.e. how many Hours and Minutes) the staff can break. The meal break will be started by triggered with the first ¡§clock-OUT¡¨ record within the Break session. Once the staff has ¡§Clock-OUT¡¨, he / she has to be back (i.e. Clock-IN) within the allowed break hours or otherwise the system treat it as ¡§Late¡¨.

Collect punch card before break session

Normally, the staff should Clock-OUT within the Break session to start the meal break. However, if you want to allow the staffs to Clock-OUT and start the meal break before the defined Break session, you can define how many minutes before the Break session will accept start of meal break. If not allow, set it to 0.


Extra Work min.

Enable this option only if you want to add extra work minute on top of the actual counted working minute during analysis. If not, set it to 0.

Require punch in break session, otherwise a notice will appear in the remark of attendance result

The meal break is triggered by the first Clock-OUT record within the Break session. If there is no Clock-OUT record found, system assume the staff has not go out for meal break. If this option is enabled, a message ¡§*No punch in Break¡¨ will be shown in attendance remark if the staff has not go out for the break.

Calculate Overtime if no break

Enable this option if you want to count the allowed break hours as OT hours when the staff has not go out for a meal break.

O.T. Type

Define the specific type of overtime for the case mentioned above.

Extra OT min.

Enter the extra O.T. minute if you want to add extra O.T. minute on top of the counted O.T. minute. If not, set it to 0.

OT point unit for every N minutes

Define how many OT minutes gains 1 OT point. OT point is another way to calculate OT pay instead of minutes.


9          Repeat steps 6-7 until all required sessions are added.


10      Click the [Save] button to save changes



See also

Modify Shift Duty

Delete Shift Duty